Friday, June 27, 2008

Syarat Beramal Dgn Hadis Dhoif

syarat beramal dgn hadis dhoif :
-tidak berkaitan dgn akidah
- harus dalam perkara amalan soleh

Jemaah Tabligh

Jemaah Tabligh ("Kelompok [1] Penyampai") (Bahasa Arab: جماعة التبليغ , juga disebut Tabligh) adalah gerakan misionary Islam dengan tujuan kembali ke ajaran Islam yang kaffah. Aktiviti mereka tidak terbatas pada satu golongan Islam saja.[2], Tujuan utama dari gerakan ini adalah membangkitkan jiwa spiritual dalam diri dan kehidupan setiap muslim. Jemaah Tabligh merupakan pergerakan non-politik terbesar di seluruh dunia.

Sejarah Tabligh

Jemaah Tabligh diinspirasi pada akhir dekade 1920-an oleh Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Kandhalawi di Mewat, sebuah wilayah diIndia. Ilham untuk mengabdikan hidupnya hanya untuk Islam terjadi ketika Maulana Ilyas mengerjakan ibadat Haji pada tahun 1926.[3]Maulana Ilyas mencipta slogan, ‘Aye Musalmano! Musalman bano’ (dalam bahasa Urdu), yang beerti 'Wahai umat muslim! Jadilah muslim yang kaffah (menunaikan semua rukun dan syari'ah seperti yang disuruh Rasulullah)'. Tabligh rasminya bukan merupakan kelompok atau ikatan, tapi gerakan muslim untuk menjadi muslim yang menjalankan agamanya, dan hanya satu-satunya gerakan Islam yang tidak memandang asal-usul mazhab atau aliran pengikutnya.

Lebih kurang dua dekad, Jemaah Tabligh berjaya disebarkan di Asia Selatan. Dengan dipimpin oleh Maulana Yusuf, putera Maulana Ilyas sebagai amir/pimpinan yang kedua, gerakan ini mulai mengembangkan aktivitinya pada tahun 1946, dan dalam waktu 20 tahun, penyebarannya telah sampai ke Asia Barat Daya dan Asia Tenggara, Afrika, Eropah, dan Amerika Utara. Sekali terbentuk dalam suatu negara, Jemaah Tablih mulai membaur dalam masyarakat tempatan. Meskipun negara barat pertama yang dipengaruhi Tabligh ialah Amerika Syarikat, tapi fokus utama mereka adalah di Britain, mengacu kepada populasi padat orang Asia Selatan disana yang tiba pada tahun 1960-an dan 1970-an.

Jemaah ini menmberitahu mereka tidak menerima sumbangan dana dari mana pun untuk menjalankan aktivitinya. Biayanya ditanggung sendiri oleh anggota Tabligh .

Tahun 1978, Liga Muslim Dunia membiayai pembangunan Masjid Tabligh di Dewsbury, Britain, yang kemudian menjadi markas besar Jemaah Tabligh di Eropah. Pimpinan mereka disebut Amir atau Zamidaar atau Zumindaar.

Pengikut dari kalangan selebriti

Banyak pengikut Tabligh dari kalangan dikenali dan ternama. Dalam kalangan politik, mantan Presiden Pakistan Rafiq Tarar, Menteri ketua Sindh Dr. Arbab Ghulam Rahim, mantan Perdana Menteri Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, dan mantan Jeneral Pakistan Javed Nasir secara aktif mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan Tabligh. Dalam kalangan sukan, ada Shahid Afridi, Saqlain Mushtaq, Mushtaq Ahmed, Mohammad Yousuf, Inzamam-ul-Haq dan Saeed Anwar. Penyanyi terkenal seperti Junaid Jamshed dan Abrar-ul-Haq juga aktif dalam gerakan dakwah revolusi Islam ini. Selain itu, Ijaz-ul-Haq (anak Jeneral Zia-ul-Haq) juga terlibat beberapa kali bersama Jemaah Tabligh.

Di Indonesia, Tabligh juga telah menyentuh hati Sakti dari kumpulan Sheila on 7. Pada tahun 2006, dia telah keluar selama empat bulan ke Markas Antarabangsa Tabligh di Nizzamudin, New Delhi, India. Dia telah berhenti bermuzik, dan memilih menjalankan amalan amalan maqami dan amalan intiqali dengan sangat intensif.

Aktiviti Dakwah

Markas internasional pusat tabligh adalah di Nizzamudin, India. Kemudian setiap negara juga mempunyai markas pusat nasional, dari markas pusat dibagi markas-markas regional/daerah yang dipimpin oleh seorang Shura. Kemudian dibagi lagi menjadi ratusan markas kecil yang disebut Halaqah. Kegiatan di Halaqah adalah musyawarah mingguan, dan sebulan sekali mereka khuruj selama tiga hari. Khuruj adalah meluangkan waktu untuk secara total berdakwah, yang biasanya dari masjid ke masjid dan dipimpin oleh seorang Amir. Orang yang khuruj tidak boleh meninggalkan masjid tanpa seizin Amir khuruj. Tapi para karyawan diperbolehkan tetap bekerja, dan langsung mengikuti kegiatan sepulang kerja. Orang yang telah khuruj kemudian disebut Karkun, dan tanpa adanya suatu baiat.

Sewaktu khuruj, kegiatan diisi dengan ta'lim (membaca hadits atau kisah sahabat, biasanya dari kitab Fadhail Amal karya Maulana Zakaria), jaulah (mengunjungi rumah-rumah di sekitar masjid tempat khuruj dengan tujuan mengajak kembali pada Islam yang kaffah), bayan, mudzakarah (menghafal) 6 sifat sahabat, karkuzari (memberi laporan harian pada amir), dan musyawarah. Selama masa khuruj, mereka tidur di masjid.

Aktivitas Markas Regional adalah sama, khuruj, namun biasanya hanya menangani khuruj dalam jangka waktu 40 hari atau 4 bulan saja. Selain itu mereka juga mengadakan malam Ijtima' (berkumpul), dimana dalam Ijtima' akan diisi dengan Bayan (ceramah agama) oleh para ulama atau tamu dari luar negeri yang sedang khuruj disana, dan juga ta'lim wa ta'alum.

Setahun sekali, digelar Ijtima' umum di markas nasional pusat, yang biasanya dihadiri oleh puluhan ribu Karkun dari seluruh pelosok daerah. Bagi Karkun yang mampu, mereka diharapkan untuk khuruj ke poros markas pusat (India-Pakistan-Bangladesh/IPB) untuk melihat suasana keagamaan yang kuat yang mempertebal iman mereka.

Asas 6 Sifat

1. Yakin terhadap kalimat Thoyyibah Laa ilaaha ilallah Muhammadur rasulullah.
  • Artinya: Tiada Tuhan selain Allah dan Nabi Muhammad utusan Allah.
  • Laa ilaaha ilallah
    • Maksudnya: Mengeluarkan keyakinan pada makhluk dari dalam hati dan memasukkan keyakinan hanya kepada Allah di dalam hati.
  • Muhammadar rasulullah
    • Maksudnya: Mengakui bahwa satu-satunya jalan hidup untuk mendapatkan kejayaan dunia dan akhirat hanya dengan mengikuti cara hidup Rasulullah s.a.w.

2. Shalat khusyu' dan khudu'.
  • Artinya: Shalat dengan konsentrasi batin dan rendah diri dengan mengikuti cara yang dicontohkan Rasulullah.
  • Maksudnya: Membawa sifat-sifat ketaatan kepada Allah dalam shalat kedalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

3. Ilmu ma'adz dzikr
  • Ilmu
    • Artinya: Semua petunjuk yang datang dari Allah melalui Baginda Rasulullah.
  • Dzikir
    • Artinya: Mengingat Allah sebagaimana Agungnya Allah.
    • Maksudnya Ilmu ma'adz dzikr:

Melaksanakan perintah Allah dalam setiap saat dan keadaan dengan menghadirkan ke-Agungan Allah mengikuti cara Rasulullah.

4. Ikramul Muslimin

  • Artinya: Memuliakan sesama Muslim.
  • Maksudnya: Menunaikan kewajiban pada sesama muslim tanpa menuntut hak daripadanya.

  • Artinya:

Membersihkan niat.

  • Maksudnya:

Membersihkan niat dalam beramal, semata-mata karena Allah.

6. Dakwah dan tabligh khuruj fii sabiilillah

  • Dakwah
    • Artinya: Mengajak
  • Tabligh
    • Artinya: Menyampaikan
      • Maksudnya:
        • Memperbaiki diri, yaitu menggunakan diri, harta, dan waktu seperti yang diperintahkan Allah.
        • Menghidupkan agama pada diri sendiri dan manusia di seluruh alam dengan menggunakan harta dan diri mereka.


  1. M. Jawed Iqbal; Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Saturday, June 9th 2007). Inviting to Islam (html). Dicapai pada 14/06/2007.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Howenstein, Nicholas. Islamist Networks: The Case of Tablighi Jamaat (html). Dicapai pada 2007-06-14.
  3. tajuk: Islamic Fundamentalism in India, Twenty First Century Indian Society, 1986, muka surat: p. 41.

Pranala Luar

Ibadah Itu Cinta
oleh: Azree Hanifiah *

“Azree, boleh kamu berikan maksud ibadah?” Soal ustazah saya.

“Erm.. Taat dan patuh kepada Allah, ustazah.” Itulah jawapan yang saya berikan semasa masih berada di bangku sekolah dahulu. Jawapan yang dihafal. Jawapan skema.

Pernah dulu saya dengar seorang penceramah mengatakan, “Kebanyakkan mualaf, iman mereka tetap kerana mereka cuba mencari maksud sebenar Islam itu. Sehinggalah mereka betul-betul yakin yang Islam itu benar. Tapi, berbeza dengan kita yang sedari lahir memang sudah Islam.”

Sewaktu mendengar kata-kata itu saya buat tidak kisah sahaja, mungkin kerana sudah terbiasa mendengarnya. Tetapi beberapa bulan lepas kata-kata itu seakan menyerang benak kepala.

Berdengung. Sehingga timbul pelbagai persoalan. Saya tertanya kenapa saya ini Islam? Kenapa saya kena melakukan ibadah itu ibadah ini? Tetapi saya senyapkan sahaja keadaan diri saya ketika itu.

Takut ada orang kata saya menghampiri murtad. Saya sendiri takut bila persoalan itu datang menyerang. Saya cuba membaca beberapa buah buku termasuk buku Fathi Yakan tetapi jawapannya tidak memuaskan hati saya.

Lantas saya buang soalan pertama itu dahulu. Takut benar kalau saya terlalu menumpu kepada soalan itu akan membuatkan saya murtad. Jadi, saya terus tumpu kepada persoalan kedua iaitu kenapa saya perlu beribadah.

Ibadah, taat dan patuh?

Orang kata ibadah itu taat dan patuh. Saya tiba-tiba mempersoalkannya. Kenapa perlu taat dan kenapa perlu patuh kalau tiada sebab? Apa sebabnya sampai saya kena solat, kena berdoa?

Bila saya tanyakan kepada orang lain jawapannya, “Ler.. Kau kena solat semua tu sebab perkara itu wajiblah.”

“Kenapa pula wajib?” Soal saya balik. Dan kawan itu terus terdiam.

“Dah ibadah wajib, jadi wajiblah!”

Dan yang pasti jawapan itu tidak memuaskan hati saya saat itu. Saya bukanlah jenis orang yang menerima jawapan daripada seseorang dan terus menghafal. Itu dinamakan penghafal dan bukannya pelajar.

Kita sering mengatakan ibadah itu adalah taat dan patuh tetapi tidak berapa mengendahkan apa itu taat dan apa itu patuh.

Ibadah adalah Cinta

Akhirnya saya terbaca satu petikan daripada tulisan Ibnu Qayyim. Maksud yang beliau berikan terlalu mudah. Ibadah itu adalah cinta. Berkasih-kasihan dengan Tuhan.

Membaca maksud ibadah yang diberikan oleh Ibnu Qayyim membuatkan saya berfikir panjang. Ibadah adalah cinta? Berkasih-kasihan dengan Tuhan?

Pernahkah terdetik dalam hati anda rasa cinta kepada orang lain? Bagi sesiapa yang pernah, mereka tentu faham bagaimana keadaannya.

Hurm. Sampaikan kita sanggup buat apa sahaja. Setiap saat asyik teringat tentang si dia. Apa yang dia larang, kita cuba sebaik mungkin untuk tidak melanggarinya. Dan apa yang dia pinta, selagi boleh kita cuba usahakan untuk dapatkannya.

Sehinggakan kalau ada orang lain cuba menunjukkan sedikit kemesraan kepada si dia, kita sudah berasa terlalu cemburu. Lantas kita cuba memberikan yang lebih baik lagi.

Jadi, itulah yang dimaksudkan oleh Ibnu Qayyim tentang maksud ibadah. Ibadah adalah cinta. Kalau cinta kepada manusia kita sudah menjadi terlalu gila seperti itu, sepatutnya cinta yang seperti itu kita sandarkan kepada Tuhan.

Apa yang membuatkan saya berfikir panjang ketika itu adalah kerana saat itu saya sedang mencintai seseorang. Membaca ayat-ayat Ibnu Qayyim membuatkan saya sedar kecintaan saya itu telah melebihi rasa cinta kepada Tuhan.

Cinta mana yang lebih utama

Memang ada orang kata rasa cinta sesama manusia itu tidak salah. Tetapi cuba kita tanya diri kita sendiri adakah rasa cinta kita itu melebihi rasa cinta kepada Tuhan.

Kalau rasakan diri sudah tidak terkawal lagi dan tidak tahu bagaiman ingin menurunkan rasa cinta itu, saranan saya hanya dua iaitu tinggalkan sahaja si dia atau kahwin terus. Apa salahnya, anda dengan dia masih lagi belum berkahwin.

Bagi yang rasa hendak kahwin lagi 2 tahun, tinggalkan dahulu si dia jika hati rasa perasaan cinta itu lebih banyak kepada si dia berbanding kepada Tuhan. Hurm. Sekarang yang mana satu menjadi keutamaan anda? Fikir-fikirkanlah.

Ibadah adalah cinta. Dan itulah yang pasti. Kalau anda lebih mencintai si dia melebihi rasa cinta kepada Tuhan, itu bermakna anda melakukan ibadah kepada sesuatu yang lain. Bukannya ibadah kepada Tuhan.

Erm. Kalau ibadah kita sudah terarah kepada sesuatu yang lain, apa maksudnya?

Saudaraku, anda berhak membangun puluhan istana di muka bumi. Asalkan anda tidak lupa memperkukuh mahligai cinta kepada yang paling berhak.

Saya letakkan sekali satu lirik lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh kumpulan nasyid Indonesia, Gradasi.

Di saat cinta menyemai rasa di jiwa
Menghiasi hidup indah kan masa
Luluhkan dengki menghapuskan benci
Kala cahaya-Nya
Membuka mata yang terlena
Sedarkan dari nafsu akan dunia
Rasa yang fana dan maya semata
Kan ku ungkap rasa yang terindah
Tentang berkembangnya cinta
Yang semerbak wangi dalam jiwa
Yang kekal abadi selamaya

Hanyalah untuk Allah
Kan kupersembahkan
Cinta tertinggi dan termurni
Yang tumbuh dalam nurani
Hanyalah untuk Alloh
Kan kusandarkan
Segala pengharapan dan doa
Beri daku cahaya-Mu
Hanya Pada Allah kusandarkan
Hanya Pada Allah kudoakan
Hanya Pada Allah kuharapkan

Dan tentang persoalan yang bermain di benak saya itu, saya masih lagi belum dapat menjawabnya hingga saat ini. Didiamkan tetapi muncul kembali beberapa minggu yang lepas. Menyerang-nyerang.

Tetapi bagi saya, teruskan diri mencari apa yang dirasakan benar. Jangan hanya asyik mendengar dan mengikut apa yang orang lain kata tanpa memahaminya.

* Azree Hanifiah merupakan salah seorang penulis jemputan dan juga merupakan pemilik blog StudioMuslim. Kini menuntut di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa(UIA). Artikel dipetik daripada blog beliau.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Install Adobe Acrobat Plugins For Firefox

Heres how to setup Adobe Acrobat For Firefox

Configuring the Medibuntu Repository

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update

Installing the Mozilla Acroread Plugins

sudo apt-get install mozilla-acroread acroread-plugins

The acroread-plugins package will provide support for completion of fillable forms and javascript. The mozilla-acroread package will provide support for mozilla, firefox, galeon and konqueror.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pole shift & climate changes trigger doomsday predictions for 2012

Doomsday predictions have a tendency of becoming more frequent when times are tough, and many people are struggling to make ends meet right now. Prices for agricultural goods are rising and natural disasters are becoming more common primarily because of shifts in the climate. But why are so many choosing 2012 as the next year for cataclysm to strike, and what’s causing the climate changes?

One reason 2012 is a popular target for the next cataclysm derives from the Mayan calendar. 2012 marks the end of the “long count”, which is part of the “. . . Mayans’ concept of the dawn of time – around 3114 B.C. – and runs to its calculated termination at the Winter Solstice of 2012,” according to Lacity Beat.

That’s not the only strange thing about 2012 though, it’s also the year that the planets in our solar system align with the same plane of rotation as the Milky Way. Predictions vary wildly, and range from theories on potential shifts in the Earth’s magnetic field to a devastating flip in the planet’s molten core.

But a change in the Earth’s magnetic field isn’t the only thing that has scientists worried. Holes in the ozone layer and shifting poles are also on the list. The ozone layer acts as an insulator, keeping our warmer atmosphere contained underneath. If “Ozone Holes stay open longer for an additional week, and/or it takes longer to close the ozone holes, then it can be estimated that very large amounts of frigid cold currents from space will cause major winter climate changes and an extended winter season,” according to research by Manfred Zysk, M.E.

If holes in the ozone layer persist then it’s expected that large volumes of Earth’s atmosphere will vent out into space replaced by a frigidly cold downdraft. This image from the 2004 movie Day After Tomorrow comes to mind.

Beyond problems with the ozone layer, research done in 2005 by National Geographic indicates that the “. . . North Pole is moving into the direction of Siberia at a rather fast pace at 25 miles (40 kilometers) a year and the movement of the Pole definitely appear to be accelerating.”

Previous evidence of the shifting of the Earth’s Axis were finds of corals in Newfoundland, elephants in Alaska, fig trees in Northern Greenland, and luxurious forests, ferns, fossilized tree-stumps and coal in Antarctica, water lilies and fossilized palm leaves to 12 feet long in Spitzbergen, swamp cypress within 500 miles of the North Pole in the Miocene period, and mastodons in Siberia with fresh tropical grass in the mouth and stomach without any body tissue deterioration, which confirms that death and freezing was very sudden within a few hours.

A massive cut in our use of fossil fuels could have a very positive impact, but given the current political climate, sudden change is unlikely.

The video below contains some information on holes in our ozone layer and how the Earth’s magnetic field protects us.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Howto: Loop Movie, Video, and Display Screensaver as Desktop Wallpaper in Ubuntu Linux

Want to loop a video clip or movie on your desktop? I did and found a nice little tool that does just that! Check out this easy howto

First lets grab some essential building libraries via the terminal: Applications->Accessories->Terminal

sudo apt-get install build-essential libx11-dev x11proto-xext-dev libxrender-dev libxext-dev cvs
Now lets Install xwinwrap:

cvs -d co xwinwrap
cd xwinwrap
sudo cp xwinwrap /usr/bin
Now lets start our video/movie as the Desktop Wallpaper!
First find a video/movie you would like to set as your backround and issue this command:

xwinwrap -ni -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- mplayer -wid WID -nosound "Steal This Film II.Xvid.avi" -loop 0

Now everything should be working fine, if you would like sound, remove -nosound

You can also display Screensavers as your background:

nice -n 15 ./xwinwrap -ni -o 0.20 -fs -s -sp -st -b -nf -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root -window-id WID

Credit for the screen saver hack goes out to wayne@fsckin

Introducing GUFW the Uncomplicated Firewall GUI for Ubuntu Linux Hardy Heron!!

I just woke up this morning and found a great comment on my blog introducing me to a promising new project by marcoscostales called gufw and he has taken his time to create a .deb package for us all. This application looks promising and can only get better with our suggestions.

So far 1200 people on Ubuntu Brainstorm voted for an application like this, see here

Features: Enable/disable Firewall via 1 click access

Deny all inbound/outbound connections with 1 click

Allow all inbound/outbound connections with 1 click

A nice allow/deny drop down box.

Easily add/remove firewall rules

Block ping replies to show up as having a stealth/invisible ip on the lan/inet


Howto Install?
Download GuFw here
See here for updated packages
Double click the .deb file and click install.

You will find ufw with a nice shield icon via Applications->Internet->gufw

For support see here

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Kung-Fu Panda (2008)


The Incredible Hulk

General : The Incredible Hulk 2008 TS XVID - STG.avi
Format : AVI
Length : 865 MiB for 1h 45mn 16s 320ms

Video #0 : XviD at 905 Kbps
Aspect : 608 x 256 (2.375) at 25.000 fps

Audio #0 : AC3 at 224 Kbps
Infos : 2 channels, 48 KHz


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Autodesk 3D Studio Max 2008

Autodesk 3D Studio Max 2008

“ This software is a powerful, integrated 3D modeling, animation, and rendering application. Its easy-to-learn environment enables artists to quickly ramp up for production. 3ds Max is used by film and video artists, game developers, multimedia designers (print and web), design visualization professionals, and 3D enthusiasts to achieve stunning results in less time. 3ds Max is the leader in 3D animation for game development, design visualization, visual effects, and education. ”

Create rich and complex design visualization. Generate realistic characters for a top-selling game. Bring 3D effects to the big screen. Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2008 3D modeling, animation, and rendering software helps design visualization professionals, game developers, and visual effects artists maximize their productivity by streamlining the process of working with complex scenes.

Key New Features and Enhancements:

Accelerated Performance
The integration of new technology into the software’s Adaptive Degradation System improves interactive performance by automatically simplifying scene display to meet a user-defined target frame rate. You control how 3ds Max adjusts scene display—whether the smallest objects are hidden, or distant objects have less detail, etc.—and 3ds Max calculates how best to achieve it. When combined with the new Direct3D® mesh caching that groups objects by materials, the result is that tens of thousands of objects can be just as interactive as ten objects. In addition, loading, arrays, Autodesk® FBX® and OBJ export, and other areas of the software perform significantly faster.

Scene Explorer Scene Management
3ds Max 2008 delivers Scene Explorer, a robust new tool that provides you with a hierarchical view of scene data and fast scene analysis, along with editing tools that facilitate working with even the most complex, object-heavy scenes. Scene Explorer gives you the ability to sort, filter, and search a scene by any object type or property (including metadata), with stackable filtering, sorting, and searching criteria. This new tool also enables you to save and store multiple Explorer instances and to link, unlink, rename, hide, freeze, and delete objects, regardless of what objects are currently selected in the scene. You can also configure columns to display and edit any object property, and because this feature is scriptable and SDK extendable, you can use callbacks to add custom column definitions.

This powerful new toolset gives you immediate feedback on various render settings, enabling you to iterate rapidly. This means you can now quickly hone in on your desired look without waiting for a software render—perfect for over-the-shoulder client/boss feedback sessions and other iterative workflows. Based on the latest game engine technology, Review delivers interactive viewport previews of shadows (including self-shadowing and up to 64 lights simultaneously), the 3ds Max sun/sky system, and mental ray® Architectural and Design material settings.

MAXScript ProEditor
3ds Max 2008 marks the debut of the new MAXScript ProEditor. This intuitive new interface for working with MAXScript includes multilevel undo functionality; fast, high-quality code colorization; rapid opening of large documents; line number display; regular expressions in search/replace; folding of sections of the script; support for user customization; and many other features.

Enhanced DWG Import
3ds Max 2008 delivers faster, more accurate importing of DWG™ files. Significantly improved memory management enables you to import large, complex scenes with multiple objects in considerably less time. Improved support for material assignment and naming, solid object import, and normals management facilitate working with software products such as Revit Architecture 2008. Plus, a new Select Similar feature identifies all objects in an imported DWG scene that contain characteristics similar to those of a selected object. This capability lets you select and edit multiple imported objects simultaneously—dramatically streamlining DWG-based workflows.

Artist-Friendly Modeling Options
3ds Max 2008 gives you a more streamlined, artist-friendly modeling workflow through a collection of hands-on modeling options that let you focus more on the creative process. These options include selection previewing and the ability to have existing modeling hotkeys and pivots become temporary overrides.

Biped Enhancements
This latest release provides you with new levels of flexibility with regard to your Biped rigs. A new Xtras tool lets you create and animate extraneous Biped features anywhere on your rig (for example, wings or additional facial bones) and save them as BIP files. These files are supported in Mixer and Motion Flow, as well as in Layers, where new layering functionality enables BIP files to be saved as offsets from each layer to isolate character motion. As a result, each layer can be saved as its own asset for export into a game.

Expanded Platform Support
3ds Max 2008 is the first full release of the software officially compatible with Microsoft® Windows Vista™ 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems and the Microsoft DirectX® 10 platform.

3ds Max 2008 includes toolsets for:
* Modeling and texturing
* Animation
* Visual effects
* Rendering
* Hair and fur
* Cloth
* Asset management and collaboration plus
* 3ds Max API/SDK and MAXScripts
* Tutorials and documentation

Windows32, Windows64 / unpack size: 5.42 GB

Download Links

Password :


Without viruses and other malware, Linux is typically much harder for the average user to mess up. But if you are setting up a GNOME desktop for someone who seems to do things like delete the window list, or for public use, then you should lock down the desktop.

Pessulus is a graphical lockdown editor for GNOME. Instead of finding and changing individual GNOME gconf settings, you can use Pessulus to easily access the most important settings for locking down GNOME.

Install Pessulus from the package pessulus (click the link to install), or by running the command below in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install pessulus

The simplest lock down setup to create is a web kiosk where the user can’t exit the browser. The only web browser that Pessulus supports is Epiphany, the official GNOME web browser.

Install Epiphany from the package epiphany-browser (click the link to install), or by running the command below in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser

You should set up a second user account to lock down if you haven’t already. The second account will be restricted from using sudo by default, which will hide a lot of administrative utilities from the GNOME menu. Create a second account from System->Administration->Users and Groups. Click Unlock, and then Add User. Look under the User Privileges tab to restrict the new user as necessary.

After you’ve created the new user, log into the new account.

Launch Pessulus from System->Administration->Lockdown Editor. Select Epiphany Web Browser from the list of categories. Here you will find options such as disable quit, restricting browsing to chosen domains, and disabling editing the interface. I went ahead and enabled all the restrictions, which seemed to do an excellent job locking down Epiphany.

By the way, if you want to escape from Epiphany yourself, try pressing Alt-F2 to open the Run Application dialog. Run xkill and click on Epiphany to exit it. You can close this loophole in Pessulus with General->Disable command line.

If you want more than a web kiosk, you’ll need to make it so the locked-down user can’t just change the settings back in Pessulus. Instead of just hiding Pessulus from the menu, it’s better to make restrictions mandatory so they can only be changed by the root user. Run Pessulus as root:

sudo pessulus

You will notice that now there are wooden shield icons next to all the options. Click a shield to toggle wooden (optional) and silver (mandatory). Mandatory restrictions cannot be changed by regular users. If you make all the restrictions mandatory then no regular users will be able to use Pessulus.

If you’re setting up a full desktop, I’d recommend at least disabling the command line, locking the panels, and then removing the GNOME menu and adding launchers for applications you specifically want to allow to run.

Read the Pessulus documentation for details on all of the available options.

PCMan Lightweight Alternative File Manager

PCMan File Manager (or PCManFM) is a lightweight alternative to GNOME’s Nautilus file manager or Konqueror/Dolphin in KDE. I found it to be an excellent option for more sophisticated GNOME users, as well as those with slower computers.

PCManFM’s main features are tabbed browsing similar to a web browser’s (which Nautilus will be getting soon), a clean interface, and high speed.

PCManFM’s interface looks similar to Nautilus, but more compact with smaller toolbars and icons:

PCManFM integrates well into GNOME, my file templates (File->Create New->) are used as well as my bookmarked locations. However, it doesn’t use GNOME’s virtual filesystem, which means no ssh:// or smb:// addresses for browsing the network. Also, one would expect the tabs to be re-orderable like in Firefox, but they are not.

My two favorite features in PCManFM are Tool->Open Terminal and Tool->Open Current Folder as Root, these tools could save a lot of clicks and typing. The permissions tab of the File Properties window offers finer control over file permissions for advanced users. I also noticed that PCManFM will display a warning bar while you are running it as root to remind you to be careful.

Picture thumbnails are supported, but you’ll need to turn up the maximum file size from 1024 KB in the Preferences dialog to view high resolution photos. Also, you’ll need to select your preferred terminal from the drop down list to use the open terminal tool.

Install PCManFM from the package pcmanfm (click the link to install), or by running the command below in your terminal:
sudo apt-get install pcmanfm

Start PCManFM from Applications->System Tools->PCMan File Manager.

Need For Speed Most Wanted PC iSO

Need For Speed Most Wanted PC iSO

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (NFS:MW) is a multiplatform racing video game, developed by EA Black Box and first released by Electronic Arts for the United States on 15 November 2005. It is part of the Need for Speed series of games. The game reintroduces police chases into a large body of the game’s street racing-oriented gameplay, with certain (but not all) customization options from the Need for Speed: Underground series. It is possible that this game’s plot is somehow linked to Need For Speed: Underground 2 due to the fact that the word “Bayview” was mentioned in the game. The game is also succeded by Need for Speed: Carbon, which serves as a sequel to Most Wanted.

Most Wanted has been released for Windows-based personal computers, the PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Xbox, Xbox 360 (as a launch title), Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS and mobile phones. Another version of Most Wanted, titled Need for Speed: Most Wanted: 5-1-0 has been released for the PlayStation Portable.

‘Black Edition’, a collector’s edition of Most Wanted, was released in celebration of the Need for Speed series’ tenth anniversary and in conjunction with the release of Most Wanted. The Black Edition features additional races, bonus cars and other additional content. The Black Edition also comes with a special feature DVD that contains interviews and videos about the game. The Black Edition was released for both the PC, PlayStation 2 and Xbox in the United States and Australia;[1] only the PlayStation 2 version of Black Edition was released additionally for Europe.

Download Links

Pass :

Counter - Strike Condition - Zero PC iSO

Counter - Strike Condition - Zero PC iSO

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (abbreviated CS: CZ or just CZ) is the newer version of the multiplayer game, Counter-Strike. The game was released in 2004 using the GoldSrc Half-Life engine. CS: CZ features a multiplayer mode, which mostly features updated character models, textures, maps and other graphical tweaks. Unlike other Counter-Strike games, Condition Zero also contains a single player mission pack with the player unlocking maps and more efficient bots as they pass certain requirements for each map while playing as a counter terrorist. These requirements include targets such as, “Kill 3 enemies with a glock” or “Win a round in 45 seconds.” Condition Zero also contains bots with better AI than other Counter-Strike games.

Download CD1

Download CD2

Note:- No password needed…join using HJSplit…

Grizzly Park (2008)

Grizzly Park (2008)


Enable the Advance File Permission in Nautilus

Commenter Gavintlgold pointed out that’s it’s possible to get a similar dialog in Nautilus by changing a hidden setting in GNOME. You can find this setting in gconf-editor under /apps/nautilus/preferences with the name show_advanced_permissions. Alternatively, run this command to enable the advanced permissions:
gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_advanced_permissions True
Switch back to the normal dialog with this command:

gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_advanced_permissions False
The dialog on the left is the advanced one, if you’re familiar with file permissions you may prefer it. The right is the default setting, which uses drop down boxes instead of check boxes.

Howto install Google Gadgets in ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron)

Google Gadgets for Linux provides a platform for running desktop gadgets under Linux, catering to the unique needs of Linux users. We are compatible with the gadgets written for Google Desktop for Windows as well as the Universal Gadgets on iGoogle. Following Linux norms, this project will be open-sourced, under the Apache License. The Windows and Mac versions of Google Desktop has provided gadget hosting functionality on Windows and Mac for a while now and the Linux version of Google Gadgets will extend this platform to Linux users. By enabling cross-platform gadgets, a large library of existing gadgets are immediately available to Linux users. In addition, gadget developers will benefit from a much larger potential user base without having to learn a new API. There’s two main components to the application: one is a common gadget library responsible for running and presenting a gadget, and the other is a host program that allows the user to choose gadgets and run them on the desktop. Currently we have hosts written for GTK+ and QT, with the GTK+ host offering a sidebar similiar to that of Google Desktop for Windows.

Install Google Gadgets in ubuntu 8.04

You need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

add the following lines

deb hardy main deb-src hardy main

Save and exit the file

Now you need to update the source list using the following command

sudo aptitude update

or you can use the following procedure

Go to System —> Administration —> Software Sources, click on the Third-Party tab, then Add, and paste the following line

deb hardy main

Then click Close and Reload.

Install Google Gadgets using the following command from terminal

sudo aptitude install google-gadgets

This complete the installation process

Using Google gadgets

After finishing installation press Alt+F2, and type ggl-gtk click on Run to start Google Gadgets.

Now You should see a small icon show up in your system tray - right-click on it and select ‘Add Gadgets’ to show a menu

After opening Google gadgets browser you can see similar to the following scree here you can select one and add

After adding you can see similar to the following screen

Add Google Gadgets in Sidebar

If you want to add Google Gadgets in your side bar follow this procedure

Press Alt+F2, and type ggl-gtk -s -bg click on Run to start Google Gadgets

After adding google gadgets you should see similar to the following screen

Start Google Gadgets at startup

Go to System –> Preferences –> Sessions

Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen here you need to click on ‘Add’

Enter the following details and click on ok

Uninstall Google Gadgets in Ubuntu

If you want to uninstall Google Gadgets in Ubuntu go to Applications —>Accessories—>Terminal

enter the following command

sudo aptitude remove google-gadgets

and you need to remove Google Gadgets from startup

Saturday, June 21, 2008

How to change settings for the bootloader and splash screen in Ubuntu

StartUp Manager, or SUM, is a gui tool for changing settings in Grub, Grub2 and Usplash.SUM should work with recent versions of Debian and Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu.

StartUp Manager Features


Grub timeout

Default boot title

Number of kernels in bootloader menu

Enable/disable boot option for memtest86

Enable/disable boot option for “rescue mode”

If the default boot option should be automatically updated

Bootup resolution and color depth

Grub menu colors

Grub menu resolution(Grub2 only)

If Splashy should be loaded from initramfs


Rescue floppy

Change visibility of

Grub menu

Grub menu colors

Grub menu background image

Splash screen and boot text

Password protect

Grub menu from editing

“Alternate” boot options

Old boot options


Install/change/remove Grub backgrounds

Install/change/remove Usplash themes

Install/change/remove Splashy themes

Preview Splashy themes

Install StartUp Manager in Ubuntu

sudo aptitude install startupmanager

This will complete the installation

Using StartUp Manager

If you want to open StartUp Manager go to System—>Administration—>Startup-Manager

This will prompt for root password enter and click ok

Startup-manager is loading

Once it open you should see similar to the following screen here you can change boot options screen

If you want to change appearance change on this screen

Security screen

Advanced screen

Welcome to Indeon Blog!

Salam and Hello world.......

Today I had decided that after for quite a long time I had been following the rapid and unique development of free open source software(FOSS) I had decided to launch this Weblog to show my support for FOSS.........

Basically what I want viewers to have in my weblog is about FOSS tips and trick.In my blog I stress much on UBUNTU , a free open source Operating System........


Zindarud ElFarisi